Specializing in Residential Mechanical Design Services: Heating, Cooling and Ventilation
About - HVAC Designs
With 25 years experience in the industry HVAC Designs has been in business for 21 years. HVAC Designs' staff of 10 experienced and knowledgeable designers and administrators is always able to meet your specific job requirements in a timely manner.
We are certified by:
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada
HRAI is a national association that represents more than 1,300 heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) manufacturers, wholesalers and contractors, and which provides Canadians with the tools and information necessary to ensure their total indoor environment comfort. HRAI is committed to a safe, responsible and fair industry that is environmentally-responsible and sustainable.
Ontario Bill 124 requires that Design Firms submitting Plans for Building Permit approval must have met educational requirements specified in the Ontario Building Code and met the other requirements outlined therein.
HVAC Designs is a member of the 5 industry associations shown below.
The Building Industry and Land Development Association was formed through the merger of the Greater Toronto Home Builders' association (GTHBA) and the Urban Development Institute/Ontario. BILD is the voice of the land development, home building and professional renovation industry in the Greater GTA. BILD represents more than 1,400 member companies.
Our membership includes: home builders, land developers, professional RenoMarkTM renovators, land use and environmental planners, sub-contractors, manufacturers, lawyers, surveyors, architects, suppliers, and representatives of service, professional and financial institutions. Our goal is to improve the communication between the industry and government, provide enhanced opportunities for our members, promote the welfare of the industry, and protect the interests of consumers.
Since 1943, the Canadian Home Builders' Association has been "the voice of Canada's residential construction industry"—one of the most vital and enterprising industries in Canada. Representing more than 8,000 member firms across Canada, CHBA members come from every area of Canada's housing industry - new home builders, renovators, land developers, trade contractors, product and material manufacturers, building product suppliers, lending institutions, insurance providers, service professionals and others.
The voluntary technical standards and manuals developed by SMACNA Contractors have found worldwide acceptance by the construction community, as well as foreign government agencies. ANSI, the American National Standards Institute, has accredited SMACNA as a standards-setting organization. SMACNA does not seek to enforce its standards or provide accreditation for compliance.
SMACNA standards and manuals address all facets of the sheet metal industry, from duct construction and installation to air pollution control, from energy recovery to roofing. SMACNA's Technical Resources Department fields several thousand technical questions annually from architects, engineers, manufacturers and government personnel.
ASHRAE’s certification programs are developed by industry practitioners who understand the knowledge and experience that are expected for superior building design and system operation. The programs support and are supported by the ASHRAE Learning Institute, thereby providing a complete learning process. ASHRAE enjoys a worldwide reputation for being the leader in HVAC&R design and our certification programs serve to reinforce that reputation, which ASHRAE has worked hard to earn and maintain over the past 100 + years.
The Ontario Home Builders' Association was formed in 1962 with 10 locals to give residential builders a voice in the provincial government, facilitate changes in the industry and provide networking opportunities for home-building businesses, suppliers and services.